About Me

Wassup,this is Adrianna and Quinn. We have created this blog for our GEMS program at Tigrett Middle. Hope you enjoy. -Love,peace, and chicken grease.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Post #1 "Burr" Island's Government

"Burr" Island's government is run by the people with a little help. Our few rules and or laws are just guidelines. There are no branches. There are no leaders. Rules have been set. If you break one rule. you are warned. if u break a rule a second time u will be suspended from your next physical activity. Break a rule for the third time and be suspended from one of your teams and all music privileges are lost for a week. break a rule for the forth time and u will be forces to lick toes. our court system is very strict. our grand jury is a basketball. why you might ask because the ball never lies! they have to shoot the ball. if the basket is made they are not guilty if the basket is missed they are guilty and are forces to stay in the padded room for three weeks with no activity! no we don't have policemen we have butt kickers. they are trained boxers who literally fight crime. people here dont like alot of mess so we are very orderly. yes.. but it is just a big big facility wit a bunch of padded rooms. yes have everything that the world we live in has like: hospitals, gas stations, malls etc.

1 comment:

  1. great job so far!! you have several more posts to complete to be caught up!
