About Me

Wassup,this is Adrianna and Quinn. We have created this blog for our GEMS program at Tigrett Middle. Hope you enjoy. -Love,peace, and chicken grease.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Elements of Daily Life and Economy Post #4

The citizens or residents as you may call them, spend their days listening to music,drinking lemonade and party!party!party! Their are no jobs here, you eat,sleep and party. We do have schools though. They are run by music. The children learn all needed material and so much more in song. We don't have money because money will make a world go MAD. There are limitation on how many of certain things people can have.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Elements of Geography Post #3

You could call our land a paradise island.We are all one big family, so we NEVER isolate ourselves.Of course, we get our energy from the food we take in.We stay hydrated, and never lie in bed all day.Speaking of beds, the only thing that separates you and your family is the wall between your rooms.NO ONE isolates themselves! You eat together, you sleep together(at the same time,not the same bed.to be exact),and you breathe together. While breathing, keep in mind the climate is very fair.Winters aren't too cold summers aren't too hot.It rains every now and then,so the air isn't dry,but it isn't humid neither.

Elements of Organization Post #2

Honestly we really don't care about any of this stuff.Well families are limited to three children a mother and a father.They have to be together.There are no children made out of wedlock.Families must be together and married before making children.You are given two religious views.Christian or atheist.I don't care which one,but you are one or the other.Do not bother the people who don't worship God,or the ones who don't.Now lets move on to race.We are cultural diverse.There is no just ONE race,but there may be a lot of cultures.If there is more than one race then there is more than one language.Everybody has the same amount of money.When you reach the state of mind of maturity, you are given a home away from family,but you NEVER forget where you came from.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Post #1 "Burr" Island's Government

"Burr" Island's government is run by the people with a little help. Our few rules and or laws are just guidelines. There are no branches. There are no leaders. Rules have been set. If you break one rule. you are warned. if u break a rule a second time u will be suspended from your next physical activity. Break a rule for the third time and be suspended from one of your teams and all music privileges are lost for a week. break a rule for the forth time and u will be forces to lick toes. our court system is very strict. our grand jury is a basketball. why you might ask because the ball never lies! they have to shoot the ball. if the basket is made they are not guilty if the basket is missed they are guilty and are forces to stay in the padded room for three weeks with no activity! no we don't have policemen we have butt kickers. they are trained boxers who literally fight crime. people here dont like alot of mess so we are very orderly. yes.. but it is just a big big facility wit a bunch of padded rooms. yes have everything that the world we live in has like: hospitals, gas stations, malls etc.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to "Burr" Island.
Here we go by
-"This ain't what you want. It's what you need."
Lemonade Lewinski Liger is the nation's animal.
1. "Lemon pepper wings and a freeze cup."
-is all we eat.
2.If you can't ball you can't hang.
3. Gucci Nicki and Lil' Wayne is what we bump.
4.Do what you want, feel how you want, as long as OUR standards are met.
-who cares we don't have one.